Sunday, December 27, 2009
Crafting Area
A Scarf
Christmas Goodies
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Wreath
Fleece Blankets
Mr Possum
Tree is up!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What's Done
- Chocolate Fudge- Hallie decided to eat a big chunk of it even after I told her it was for Aunt Carrie to take to work. She was lots of fun to be around once the sugar and the chocolate kicked in. I didn't think bedtime would ever get here. aaaarrrggggg
- Peanut Butter Fudge- Surprising it doesn't taste horrible considering I forgot to add the vanilla. I think the kids only require my attention while I'm on the phone or cooking.
- Magic Cookies--- MMMmmm I don't need to say anything more.
- And the tote bag for the swap is finished. How many times should you have to remind children to stay away from a hot iron? Poor Hallie got too close and wound up with a pretty big mark on her arm. There's a blister, but she'll be ok.
Well now I'm off to cover the goodies and go to bed. I have a super long day of work tomorrow. Have a good night.
My To-Do List Today
- Make peanut butter fudge, chocolate fudge, no bake cookies and magic cookies.
- Get them all wrapped up and put together with the candy list
- Deliver list and candies to Carrie
- Finish making shopping tote for swap
- and if time permits finish cleaning my house
I can see getting #1 and #4 finished up. Possibly getting #2 and #3 done. #5- only if I learn how to bottle Hallie's energy and sprout wings and a jet pack. Well I just realized that it's after noon and I just done got drinking a mountain dew. I may just get my list finished as I most likely will not sleep tonight.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I Almost Have My House Put Back Together!
When I got back into the house, what did I find but a big gaping hole that stood out like a sore thumb. So that began the deep clean and re-arranging of the living room. And that's not so bad to re-do one room. But now there isn't room for my gate leg table in the living room. Well I'm not about to part with that! It has to find a place somewhere in this house. Ah Ha! The kitchen! I just have to stack the cabinets and scoot this here and that there. Yeah I had to re-do the kitchen too. But the kitchen is pretty well finished. Just a couple of things to put away. The living room on the other hand. Ahhhh I still have a stack of boxes with junk to go through. The kiddos have 2 bags of stuffed animals and a stack of boxes with books in them to go through. After that maybe we'll be back to normal. OH CRUD! Where in the world am I gonna put the Christmas tree?! Do you really have to have a tree at Christmas? I'll figure something out surely.
I'm tired and sore. Hadn't really planned on doing the kitchen tonight, but got a call to clean tomorrow morning. So tomorrow evening I plan on working on candies and cookies and tote bag for a barter. I can not wait to get back to my crafts. I haven't worked on anything in so long. I wonder if I still know how to make anything. LOL
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Cleaning Up
As you may have guessed, the move to the other house doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon as I had originally thought it would. A little aggravating - yes. But it will be ok. Maybe we won't get moved this year, maybe we will. And maybe it will just hold out till next spring when the weather is better. It's starting to get pretty chilly here. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no desire to move in the freezing cold. My hands just will not cooperate in the cold.
There is one reason why I do not like holidays. They totally screw up my work schedule. I still have the same amount of work to do just one less day to get it done in. Plus I wind up working days like Black Friday and Christmas Eve. Not that I have any desire to fight the crowds in the stores, but it would be nice to not have to spend the entire day after a food-filled holiday working.
I made myself a list of chores to get done last weekend. Ummmm I got about half the list done. I wonder if I will get the rest done this weekend. Probably some of them. But I'm planning on working a while on Saturday so I don't think I'll get the whole list finished.
Speaking of lists- I finally have the rough draft of the candy list made out for my sister to take to work with her. And tonight I was going to type it up and print it out and wouldn't you know the printer is running out of black ink. Hmmm I wonder maybe I should try another color. Yes dears I did begin my life as a blond. Do not let the brown fool ya.
Well I'm off for tonight. I have a full day of work tomorrow and then some. Have a lovely evening!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm ready to move
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Well that was aggravating!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
And the Winner Is.....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A Gift for Me
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
B-Day Giveaway!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm 31!!
Oh I'm still working on the giveaway. It has been crazy busy today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit slower. Have a wonderful night!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Happy Labor Day!!
I'm amazed the weather has cleared up. We have had some nasty thunderstorms and pouring rain the last couple of days. The sun is shining and the skies look fairly clear. Cross your fingers it holds out for a nice gathering.
I am working on a website on It's called Made by Melanie. I have the home page almost finished. I wish I could get a mental picture of what I would like for it to look like. I chose yola because I can set it up as an online store front plus it has a blog. I haven't had much time to play with it lately but I think I can really make it a nice site and for free-- well you can't beat that.
The cleaning biz has been bubbling over with work. I had a full schedule last week and this week will be full too. That is awesome! My body hurt like no other, but it was well worth it.
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 31. Last year I didn't even notice turning 30, but this year I'm feeling old. I'm going to blame it on the work load. Hahahaha Tomorrow also re-starts my diet. Keep your fingers crossed, say some prayers for me please. I'm just not feeling the mindset I need to lock myself in on this diet. I really really need to get serious about this though. It's not about looks, it's about health so please keep me in your thoughts.
I just had a crazy little thought. I'm thinking on of my friends did this on her blog. I think I will celebrate me this week since it is my birthday. Everyday there will be a post about me and Sunday the 13th will be the final post -- the giveaway. I'm not sure what will be in the giveaway yet, but I'll think of something and post it later. To put your name in the drawing for the giveaway, you just need to place a comment on any of the Celebration posts this week. For each comment you leave you get your name placed in the bowl. Since Hallie got to pick the last winner, Matthew will draw the name this time. Anyone can enter, just make sure I have a way to contact you.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Then I went to Wal-Mart. Got some groceries and a zippered cd case for the kids movies. Came back home and put away the groceries. Kids movies are all in the cd case now, empty dvd cases stored in a cabinet in my room. Moved our board games to the cabinet on the entertainment center. Got rid of the shelf the board games were on. Moved some other stuff around.
Wonder what I can get accomplished tomorrow? I know for sure I have to make a trip to the Goodwill to drop off some stuff.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A reminder of what I want to do with my life
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Today however has been more of a blah day. I messed up yesterday and drank some caffeine loaded soda. So of course I didn't sleep. I only worked about three hours this morning. I made some lunch for the kids and washed up the dishes, then took a short nap. Felt a low grade temp coming on a couple of hours ago so I took some Tylenol and ate some chocolate covered peanuts. Now I have a hot flash and feel fine. I'm not cold anymore. HAHAHA
Well anyway I'm outta here. If nothing else I really need to get some packages ready to mail off this week and get mom's doll done.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I Wish They Would Get This Done Already
Blueberry Muffins from Scratch
Monday, June 29, 2009
Fighting Kids
Brought him in and got him all cleaned up. Sat them both down on the couch and was trying to decide on what to do with Cat. She's not usually one to pull a stunt like this. But to make it worse she was acting like she didn't care, so not like her. I was about to blow my top but I took a deep breath and it hit me- Matthew gets to choose her consequence. I told him he had to be fair and resonable, but just. I offered some suggestions, but said it was his decision.
Now you have to understand Matthew. He is very hot headed and has trouble controling his anger. I took him to anger management but unfortuantely I don't believe it worked much.
I gave him a few minutes and then asked him if he had come up with anything. He wanted more time to calm down. Wow! Caitlin of course is getting really antsy.
4 hours later Matthew had still not came up with anything. He told me that it was really hard and he didn't like it. I looked at him and said, "Now you know what it's like for me. It's not a fun job. There's nothing pleasant about it."
Cat's consequence-- Matthew forgave her.
I don't know that Cat really learned anything from this. Maybe that her brother can show compassion. But does she realize it?
But Matthew learned about controling his anger, calming down, being logical and compassionate, patient....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I didn't used to be this way. I used to always just be grateful for what I had. Maybe it's that I have been in this home for 4 years and I'm feeling a bit restless. This has been the longest I have ever lived in one place. Maybe it's that this small two bedroom mobile is about to suffocate me and three growing kids. Maybe it's the neighborhood. Maybe it's me. And maybe it's a little bit of everything.
I've been reading this book for the past few months. Yes it really does take a few months for me to finish a book. LOL It's called reading more than 3 at a time. I probably shouldn't do that. ahh oh well. The book is called Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff. I can't recall the author's name off the top of my head. Anyhoo, one of the chapters is about appreciating what you have. Believe me I am trying to do this and I do really good. It's just when I get to the kids' bedroom I seem to lose focus.
In my mind I can come up with fairly simple solutions to fix most every problem with my home. I just can not seem to figure out a way to make their bedroom have more space. Hmm either I stumble upon a magic wand or find a house for sale on contract cheap.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A Relaxing Day
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A New Idea
I started thinking about the time that my children spent in a traditional daycare environment and how miserable they were with it. I even helped in this daycare on occasions. After I saw first hand what my children were so unhappy with in daycare, I re-made my work schedule and they came out of daycare. I would not ever consider opening a daycare like this! Also another problem in my area is that the major daycares are trying to get away from taking on school age kids. And children 12 years old are considered "too old" for daycare. While I agree that some 12 year olds are quite mature for their age and could be trusted alone for a short time, there are 12 year olds that aren't quite ready and even worse- sickos who prey on kids.
I really hate to use the word daycare and I'm desparately trying to come up with a different word, but for now it's - daycare. My daycare would be for school age kids, 8 years old and up, with a limit of 6-10 kids and full of activities. None of this sitting in front of the tv everyday. Our activities would consist of crafts, such as making model car kits or small sewing projects to gardening and flowers to other things; outings like trips to the museum, hiking, trip to the zoo and campouts; and then I would also like to have other people come in from time to time to teach us, like a nurse teach us about first aid, someone that could come in and tell us about plants and such. And if I base this from home (my future home, cause the one I have now just does not have the space required for this) I really believe I could keep the cost pretty close to that of a traditional daycare.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Secret
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Cure for Boredom
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
How About Some Containers
Purging Spree
Lil Feet
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Out With the Old, In With the New
Another Bunny... Peanut
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Heads or Tails
Heads- keep my cleaning service going, tails- go back to a "real job". This has been weighing on my mind since I completed my taxes about a week ago. Time for a pro/con list.
Pros to staying self-employed--
- Make my own hours.
- I can take and pick up my kids from school.
- Weekends and holidays off.
- No overtime.
Cons to staying self-employed--
- Pay through the nose in taxes
- Most of the time cannot get a full day of work
- Have business expenses other than taxes
- No overtime, not even 35-40 hour weeks (paying hours)
Pros to going back to a "real job"-- (considering going into nursing)
- Full-time work
- Possibility of overtime
- Pay would be a little more than what I make now
- Chance for health insurance/ life insurance
- Possibility for other benefits
- interaction with other co-workers
- mom will probably get kids on and off to school
Cons of going back to a "real job"--
- Most likely working weekends and holidays
- probably need grandma/sitter to get the kids back and forth to school
- have a boss
- may have a different schedule every week
I'll add to the list as I think of more and if anyone reading this can think of something I might have overlooked, please leave me a note in the comments. :)
No not me and Jeremy. hehehe Since he's not really into mushy stuff, I took him to see Friday the 13th and then dinner. He laughed through the movie, not that it was funny. Well there was one funny part, the little rich boy screamin like a lil girl . LOL Nah Jeremy was laughing at me. I never have been able to do scarey movies. I jumped, wriggled in my seat, covered my eyes, squeezed his arm. I know it I am such a sissy!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Crazy Winter Weather
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Doll Swap
This is what Lisa sent me....
I know Christmas is Past....
Annual Book Sale
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So anyways, yesterday I was at Tractor Supply pricing woodstoves. I found a lovely stove with a blower motor that will heat my home for $400. That's just the stove. I will also need to get the platform for the stove to sit on and the vent pipe. And why not tack on a chainsaw while I'm at it.
Tax time is coming and I'm sure I can hold out till then, but I am debating on seeing if there's another way I can raise a lil money until then to start putting back. I'm thinking about starting an online shop of some kind. I could do it on bluejay or ecrater. Both of those sites are free, but they do not offer me the ability to be on a personal level with my customers. That is one of the things that irks me about being online. I am really considering using blogger for this venture. I can add a guest book, my customers can also get to know me more on a personal level too cause my blogs are linked together via my profile page... I just have so many ideas! Do you think this would work? doing a shop on blogger?