Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wow It's Been Awhile!
The kiddos are going to their dad's house tomorrow morning and staying the night. Then they will come home bright and early Christmas morning. Their dad already gave them their gifts. he bought them all bicycles for Christmas. They are just over the moon. It's bad when he gives them thier gifts so early caus ethen they come home and want me to give in and give them their presents early too. But it's not working. Hehehehe Matthew swears his present is broken because of the way it rattles when he shakes it.
I'm also using this lazy, cold day to plan my business moves for this next year. I did better this past year than I did the first year. Hoping that I can take on at least 6 more houses. Cross your fingers for me. Well I guess I better get back to my advertising plan.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I Got Tagged...
1. When I was about 5 years old, I wanted to grow up to be Smurfette. My mom and cousin seriously thought about painting me blue one day while I was napping. Oh if they had I would have just been over the moon. Well until the paint washed off anyway.
2. On my right foot, I have what I call two pinky toes. I stubbed my toe next to the lil bitty one when I was really young and cracked it and it just didn't grow back right. I always hated wearing sandals because of it. Well till this past year. Now I don't care if folks don't like my ugly toe. ;)
3. My honey man and I share some strange habits. We both sneeze loud enough to blow the roof off the house, smile at the tv, wear socks to bed, our left ankles crack the loudest, if asked to pick a number between 1 and 10 we pick 3 more than any other number, hmmm I feel like I'm forgetting something. (I'm very forgetful. He pretends to be, but really he just doesn't listen. lol)
4. I used to hate the song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". My maiden name was Rudolph and the kids loved to sing it year round to aggravate me. I finally decided not to let it get to me anymore and they stopped.
5. My youngest daughter's name (Hallie), I got from watching an old John Wayne movie. Can't even remember what the name of the movie was now. But the leading lady's character's name was Hallie and I just fell in love with the name. But I never really cared for John Wayne movies much. Before that movie I was all set to name Hallie, Chloe.
6. I've learned how to do so many new crafts and things over the last few months from hangin out with my farmgirl sisters on MaryJanes Farmgirl Connection. The girls always leave me feeling inspired and courageous enough to branch out and try something different, to try things I thought I'd never do. The next thing I want to learn one day is... how to play the fiddle.
This was fun! Now I'm off to see who I can tag.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Trip to the Dentist and a Play Day
Once we got back into town, we stopped at the library. The kids checked a couple of books and then I got some too. I was reading a thread on MaryJanes Farmgirl Connection this morning about heirloom seeds. Then on my Myspace I happened across a post from a friend talking about Obama possibly appointing this head honcho from Monsanto to the USDA and the effects that could have on out nation's food supply. So the books I found are about composting, old time gardening wisdom and Burpee vegetables. Then I got a couple of other books to help me plan my wedding-- 1000 Best Wedding Bargains and Tantalizing Textures. OK the second book is really about ideas and techniques for scrapbook pages. I figure I can incorporate some of those ideas into my handmade wedding invitations. And yes I found some really cool ideas!!
It's back to work tomorrow. I really need to go see my friend, Christina. She had a little baby boy last week and I still have not got to go see them. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A Wee Bit Hectic Today
Work has been staying pretty busy. That just amazes me right now because of the economy.
My best friend from high school went in for a scheduled C-section this morning. She gave birth to a healthy bouncing baby boy, Jacob. 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20 inches long I believe. I hope I get to go see them this weekend!!
And then Hallie had her second girl scout meeting this evening. She is a daisy. She's not so sure if she likes it much. She is such a backwards bashful lil girl. I hope she will get past that soon.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
New Squid Lens
Flat Tire
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A New Wreath
The BIG One
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Another Saturday
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Matthew's Yearly Heart Checkup Today
I guess I really should start by telling you just what it is that is wrong with his heart. When Matthew was born, the doctor found the murmur in his heart. He had an echo cardiogram done and then we met with the doc. In the valve in your heart, you are supposed to have three leaflets that open and close separately. Two of Matthew's leaflets are fused together. This causes his lil ticker to work twice as hard to pump the same amount of blood. That in turn causes the wall of his heart to thicken.
So Matthew has the tight valve, and the valve has a leak. Last year doc found a small hole in his heart.
On to what we learned today. The valve and leak have not changed much. They stayed close to the same as last year. The heart wall has stayed pretty close to the same. But.... The wall to his Aorta has thickened a lot. Last year it was measure at about 22 mm thick. This year it measured between 30 and 35mm thick. Dr. Kumbar told us that surgical intervention would not be necessary until it reaches 45 to 50 mm thick. The weird angle the blood pushes out of the heart and with the amount of pressure it has hitting the wall of the Aorta is what has caused the vessel wall to thicken. Doc said it's actually pretty common in patients like Matt.
He starts medication in the morning. Aetenol. I think that's how you spell it. He's not happy about it at all. And now instead of coming back in a year, he goes back in 6 months. Please when you read this, say a little prayer for Matthew.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Couple More Creations
Who has seen the Ladyslipper Issue of Mary Jane's Farm? I just found it today at Tractor Supply! I scimmed through it while I was waiting for the kiddos to get out of school. And isn't so coinky dinky that Mary Jane has a part in the new issue about "Rebooting"? Or you can call it recycling your old boots.
For the last couple of years I have been on a mission to find an old pair of boots to "reboot" or recycle into an arrangement. I found a pair at a yardsale several months ago for a dollar. I thought would fit my oldest daughter, but they didn't. I was about to send them to goodwill when it hit me. "No! Don't do that! These are the boots you wanted to re-do." So check them out.
Hallie's horsey blanket will be done soon. This is the first quilt I've ever made. I'm just amazed it's all in one piece. I really wanted to quilt it but I'm afraid I don't have the patience. I'm thinking I'll just tie it instead. And I still need to put the binding around it. The colors really don't match, but I think she'll like it.
Home Done Pillows
Monday, October 6, 2008
3 down. 4 more to go...
Our OCtober Birthday Gals
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Promises of a Crazy Weekend.....
Jeremy and Isaac came down early this afternoon and just left a lil bit ago. the kids spent a good part of the day out running and playing. They are gonna love me in the morning. We have to get up at the crack of dawn so everyone can get a shower before going to church. My mom is going to become a member of her church and wants all of us to come be a part of it.
Anyways before Jeremy and Isaac got here, the kids and I were out in the yard and I was getting some new pics of all of them. I never buy the school pictures. They cost about $40 a kids for a package. I decided to see if I could take some pics and send them off at Wal-Mart and made into picture packages. I didn't get many of Matthew, because Andrew was here and the boys were working on their bicycles.
I also got some good shots of Jeremy throwing a rope. I haven't uploaded that set of pics to my computer yet though. So hopefully I will get those put on sometime tomorrow. Oh and he also taught me how to roll a rope. Ok quit laughin at me! It look easier than it is! I think I finally got it this time. We'll see. Jeremy can always tell when I've had a hold of Cat's rope. He gets it out of the closet and goes to get ready to throw it and it's in a big knot. *sigh*
Then after supper my nieces and nephew came to hang out for awhile. It was a little wild but not bad.
Now tomorrow it's get up early, get everyone in the shower, bake the cake, make something for the dinner at church, get to church on time, have about an hour or two's break, pack everyone back up in the van and go to the girls' birthday party.
I am so gonna be ready for Monday! A day off!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thriftin and Craftin
I got my quilt blocks finished up last night for the block a month group I'm in on the Mary Jane's Farmgirl Connection. They are not perfect by any means. I'm still really new to sewing and so really, really new to quilting.
There was this huge yard sale this past weekend. It was a crafter's dream sale. All kinds of things. Oh I'll have to remember to post picks of the pillows I bought at that sale later. Anyways the lady didn't sell everything so she brought it over to the apartments where I work, where my mom lives. My mom filled an shopping cart full of stuff for me. I am getting some really cool ideas. Too bad I have to go to work in a little bit or I would get started on them.
I finally got one jar light put together! I don't how many more of these I plan to make. They're a little more difficult than I realized. I didn't get to use the mason jars. The mouth was too small to fit the candle light through. What I found was a prim looking cookie jar.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Time to Lose
Lana's Wreath
I just love working with flowers. I get so lost in what I'm doing I don't think about anything else at all. I get so totally absorbed in the flowers, in the colors, I lose track of time. This wreath probably took me about an hour and a half to put together but only felt like 15 minutes.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Turned the BiG 3-0
My mom got me a pretty picture, some shower gel and lotion and a smurfette watch. When I was a lil girl I used to dream that I would turn into Smurfette. My mom and cousin actually thought about painting me blue one day while I was taking a nap. Imagine my disappointment if they had and the paint washed off.
My sister gave me a black cherry candle set (mmmm), a chocolate melter (double mmmm) and a wedding album.
My dad gave me money and Sharon gave me a gift card. Caitie made me a necklace. Matt and Hallie didn't fight- well didn't fight much. Abby gave this cute lil sign for my flower garden. It says, "A Friend is God's way of showing he doesn't want us to walk alone." And then my honey bunny got me the PBR cowboy hunk calendar and a really pretty heart shaped silver belt buckle.
You can imagine the ruckus the calendar caused. Every one of us gals was like, "Let me see! Quit hoggin!" Then mom tried to smuggle it out with her when she was leaving. But now I need to find a belt for my buckle. Matt and I went shopping the other day after his doctor appointment but I came in empty handed.
I wish I had pictures. I'll have to get a hold of my sister and get her to send me some.
Monday, September 8, 2008
And the Winner Is......
Friday, August 29, 2008
October 17, 2009

I'm still just in shock!! I didn't start the conversation. He brought it up earlier on the phone. Jeremy called the date and then told me, "There I picked the day, the rest is up to you." I really never expected him to have to tag along and pick out flowers (even though I joked about it). It's just so WOW to know he wants to get married to know he's happy!!
So much to do even for a little bitty wedding. Why is that?
Monday, August 25, 2008
My 1st Giveaway!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Let me just show you-----

These are my new ones----

They are Double H. They fit good all around my feet. The only thing is all the lacing. But I'm getting faster with that.
There's another lil glitch. My fiance and I are planning on "someday" having a country style wedding. That was another reason why I bought the Ariat boots. I thought those would be prettier with my skirt. Well I was yappin at my friend on the phone the other night and she seems to think my new ones will work just fine for the wedding. Then last night I took a chance and said something to Jeremy about it. He doesn't always like to talk wedding stuff. Men *sigh* ... Anyways he thinks my new ones will work just fine too. I don't know.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Just Breathe! It's the Weekend!!
This morning was our yard sale. It was supposed to be from 8 till 1. We made it till about 11:30. The kids and I figured that in 3 and a half hours we had only made $8 and a small bag of tomatoes so it was time to wrap it up. And not to mention the 8 bucks we made wasn't even ours. It was for stuff we sold that belonged to my sis and her girls and my mom. So the only thing me and the kiddos made was a bag of tomatoes. And that was only cause the neighbor guy had been working in his garden and brought them over. He said he had so many of them anyway and they would just go bad if he didn't give them away. That was nice of him. I like a home grown tomato every now and then.
Now there's a huge pile of yard sale stuff in my living room. Figure out what everyone wants me to do with their stuff. Either they will come and get it or something.
Matt, Caitie and Hallie got to experience roller skating for the first time this evening. I was hoping Jeremy would bring Isaac down too, but Isaac stayed home to play with his cousins. OK it's been about 9 years since Jeremy had been on skates, 15 years since I have been on skates, the kids never. Cat's 11, Matt is 9 and Hallie is 6. It didn't take Jeremy long to get back in the swing of things. Me oh I have turned into such a big chicken. I wasn't too bad till I crashed and landed on Hallie. Hallie was pokin along in front of me. I went to go around her and some kid whipped past us. She went down, I couldn't stop and landed on top of her. After that I tried to do one more lap with her. But I was done. We finally hung it up about 10:30 and came back home.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Aching Hips
Monday wasn't bad at all. But then Mondays are my free days.
Tuesday began my stretch. I started with my spot clean. Had about an hour lunch break to grab a really quick bite and pick up supplies at Wal-Mart. Then off to clean for my new client. They have a pretty carpet, but it's really thick and super hard to push a sweeper over.
Wednesday kicked off with a super cruddy apartment to clean. Scrub, scrub, scrub and it still doesn't all come up. BLUCK!! I thought I would have a somewhat leisurley lunch. I would have if I hadn't had to stand in line for most of it. Grabbed my sandwhich ate it in about 5 bites and ran out the door. Cleaned for animal lovin couple. It's the vacuuming rugs that hurts me here.
Today was wet work day at the apartments. Mop all the floors, scrub all the bathrooms.. .yadda, yadda, yadda.... Afterwards I went to get groceries and on my way I remembered the bad spot I saw in my tire yesterday so the groceries went by the wayside till I guess maybe, hopefully tomorrow and got the front two tires replaced. So that meant and hour and a half of walking Wal-Mart to pass the time.
Now here I am, 1:24 am, dull aching in my hips. I know it's a nerve pinched in my back. It's not just one hip that hurts it's both. What I wouldn't give for a really awesome massage therapist right now. And I'm soooo dreading work tomorrow. Four hours of pushing the sweeper at the apartments. The sweeper is what is tearing out my back.
WAAAA, waaaa, waaaaa. Sorry to whine for all of you. Maybe I won't be such a blubbering fool tomorrow.