Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm ready to move
I am so ready to get moved. We are almost down to just basics left to box. But of course we won't be boxing those until we know for sure when we will get to start moving. If the kiddos hadn't came down sicj this week, I had planned to call my aunt to see if she needed help cleaning out the house. But of course things don't usually go the way you have them planned. The kids are feeling better and should be returning to school tomorrow. And of course next week is my busy week of work. Please keep your fingers crossed for us that we get to get out of here soon. I know I'm impatient but I can't help it.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Well that was aggravating!
Just about lost the computer. Poor Cat accidentally opened up an infected email and it decided to wreck havoc on the PC. I spent a good bit of time working on it earlier today. I first tried a system restore. No of course not. That would be waayyy to simple. Had to do a full system recovery. This not only takes a lot of time it also wipes out everything that was stored in your PC after it left the factory. I didn't lose all of my pictures, but I would guess more than half of them are gone. I'm just very grateful right now that I am still old fashioned in my business record keeping, as it's all in paper form. Oh well we're back together and online again and we have all leaned a very important lesson.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
And the Winner Is.....
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A Gift for Me
I thought I would treat myself since I got off work early yesterday. I went to the Goodwill. I LOVE that store, especially the one here in Boonville cause it's new and clean. I have been wanting some new shirts for a couple of months now. I haven't really had the extra cash so I just kept putting it off. Well the bills are finally caught up and the kids got some much needed clothes earlier this week so it's my turn. I found 5 shirts for $2.50 a piece!! I found a couple of skirts I really loved but wouldn't you know they were too long and too big. Bah-humbug! I also found Matthew a Levis denim jacket with the woolly lining. So it's little frayed at the cuffs, but he loves it and it will gt him through the winter. I told him when winter is over we'll get him a Carhartt coat on clearance. My babies are gonna know how to shop! If they don't learn anything else from me, they will know how to find a bargain! This may sound strange but do you know what I really want right now. I mean "Really really" want--- a bouquet of flowers. I look at them all the time at Wal-Mart but can't see paying $5-$10 for cut flowers. Well I would if they were for someone else, but not for me. Maybe just maybe I will break down and get buy some later. I will at least stop and smell them.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
B-Day Giveaway!!!
I wound up with the morning off. I have taken advantage of the extra time to catch up with friends online and put together the B-Day Giveaway box.
We have:
An embroidered table cloth, vintage handbag, jar of buttons, two votive candles- flowering herbs and plum pudding scents, autumn wired craft ribbon, lavendar essential oil and small chunk of jasmine vanilla homemade soap.
Drawing will be September 13th, Sunday evening. My son, Matthew will be drawing the winner. Remember to leave a comment. You can leave comments here on my blog, on MJF, facebook or email 'em to me. Have a wonderful day and Good Luck!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm 31!!
We celebrated my birthday with family yesterday. My sister bought me and apple slicer and griddle. Hallie and I had to try out to griddle this morning for breakfast. Mmmmm pancakes. Wouldn't it be nice to say that my day was spent lazing around the house doing nothing? But not me. I spent the biggest part of the day working. I did find a little time to swing into Jo-Ann's and pick up a couple of things I need for Christmas gifts. Friends and family have called today sending me wishes as well as my friends leaving me messages here, MJF and facebook. It is such an amazing feeling to know that little ole me has crossed the minds of so many wonderful people today. Thank you for making my day special!!
Oh I'm still working on the giveaway. It has been crazy busy today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit slower. Have a wonderful night!
Oh I'm still working on the giveaway. It has been crazy busy today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit slower. Have a wonderful night!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!!!

It's my birthday tomorrow. And if you read my last post you know I am celebrating me this week. Me, me me me me meeeee LOL
I think this picture was from my second birthday. If I was 16 years old, I would probably find this snapshot somewhat embarrassing. But I'm going on 31 and have three kids. There is nothing that can embarrass me anymore. If I can have a 7 year old sitting in the waiting room at the dentist office, pull some feminine pads out of my purse and ask, "Why do you have diapers?" loud enough for the whole office to hear and shrug it off like it's nothing I figure I am immune to embarrassment. Come on lets face it we all have this picture as well as the naked baby pictures. Most people think I look like my mom. Actually we have been mistaken for each other more than once. But in this, I think I look more like my dad.
Happy Labor Day!!
Here we are the close of summer, well not technically the last day. It's the last day for swimming. Passing time tilll family and friends start arriving for the cookout. Burgers covered in bbq sauce, burnt hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans and mac and cheese. Sounds delicious, doesn't it?
I'm amazed the weather has cleared up. We have had some nasty thunderstorms and pouring rain the last couple of days. The sun is shining and the skies look fairly clear. Cross your fingers it holds out for a nice gathering.
I am working on a website on It's called Made by Melanie. I have the home page almost finished. I wish I could get a mental picture of what I would like for it to look like. I chose yola because I can set it up as an online store front plus it has a blog. I haven't had much time to play with it lately but I think I can really make it a nice site and for free-- well you can't beat that.
The cleaning biz has been bubbling over with work. I had a full schedule last week and this week will be full too. That is awesome! My body hurt like no other, but it was well worth it.
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 31. Last year I didn't even notice turning 30, but this year I'm feeling old. I'm going to blame it on the work load. Hahahaha Tomorrow also re-starts my diet. Keep your fingers crossed, say some prayers for me please. I'm just not feeling the mindset I need to lock myself in on this diet. I really really need to get serious about this though. It's not about looks, it's about health so please keep me in your thoughts.
I just had a crazy little thought. I'm thinking on of my friends did this on her blog. I think I will celebrate me this week since it is my birthday. Everyday there will be a post about me and Sunday the 13th will be the final post -- the giveaway. I'm not sure what will be in the giveaway yet, but I'll think of something and post it later. To put your name in the drawing for the giveaway, you just need to place a comment on any of the Celebration posts this week. For each comment you leave you get your name placed in the bowl. Since Hallie got to pick the last winner, Matthew will draw the name this time. Anyone can enter, just make sure I have a way to contact you.
I'm amazed the weather has cleared up. We have had some nasty thunderstorms and pouring rain the last couple of days. The sun is shining and the skies look fairly clear. Cross your fingers it holds out for a nice gathering.
I am working on a website on It's called Made by Melanie. I have the home page almost finished. I wish I could get a mental picture of what I would like for it to look like. I chose yola because I can set it up as an online store front plus it has a blog. I haven't had much time to play with it lately but I think I can really make it a nice site and for free-- well you can't beat that.
The cleaning biz has been bubbling over with work. I had a full schedule last week and this week will be full too. That is awesome! My body hurt like no other, but it was well worth it.
Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 31. Last year I didn't even notice turning 30, but this year I'm feeling old. I'm going to blame it on the work load. Hahahaha Tomorrow also re-starts my diet. Keep your fingers crossed, say some prayers for me please. I'm just not feeling the mindset I need to lock myself in on this diet. I really really need to get serious about this though. It's not about looks, it's about health so please keep me in your thoughts.
I just had a crazy little thought. I'm thinking on of my friends did this on her blog. I think I will celebrate me this week since it is my birthday. Everyday there will be a post about me and Sunday the 13th will be the final post -- the giveaway. I'm not sure what will be in the giveaway yet, but I'll think of something and post it later. To put your name in the drawing for the giveaway, you just need to place a comment on any of the Celebration posts this week. For each comment you leave you get your name placed in the bowl. Since Hallie got to pick the last winner, Matthew will draw the name this time. Anyone can enter, just make sure I have a way to contact you.
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